
[ lately ]

So I realize I have never posted on here and today I decided I want to. So this summer has been AMAZING and full of God's provision and insane grace! For a while I thought that I would not be getting a summer job since all my prospects were looking rather dim, a month into summer. I will spare you the boring details of call after call after email after email. Finally after interviewing twice with a church that I was really excited about, and wanted to get the job at, I got the call! It was at 9am that morning and I decided that I was leaving that day, stopping in Dallas and then headed to my new job in Edmond, Oklahoma the next day. Needless to say, I was rather excited and ready! Its been a month and a half since then, and time has FLOWN! I have         
gotten to know some AMAZING people here in Edmond, a few that are really near and dear to my heart and I know that I will know forever. God is so good, and even when I was in the midst of craziness and confusion, he had a plan! 
Jessica (Rachel's friend visiting from Arizona), Rachel (the middle school girls intern) and me at the parade on July 4th!

Doulos (High school summer unpaid interns/rockstars), interns and Daryl, the youth pastor

We just got back from Beach Week the other day, and I still have not caught up on my sleep! It was an amazing, crazy, life changing, adventurous week! I think I saw God move there more than I ever had at once. It was in such an authentic and awe inspiring way too, not just the 'oh you accepted Christ and kind of know who he is? lets get you baptized!' kind of way. I saw legitimate life change in students that still has been played out here in Edmond. I also experienced God completely conquer some crazy spiritual warfare in the students and it was breath taking to be a part of. I cannot even explain the joy, reverence, awe, ect. that I was feeling. Our God REALLY is a God who saves. Who cares about each of his children and never lets one fall through the cracks. Here are some pictures from beach week!
Wesley, Me and Rachel! Love these girls! 
My team at Beach Week-Dora!
LOVE these girls a lot!
Today, though, kind of hit me for a loop. That whole, 'we're all one phone call from our knees' line really came true in my life. I got a call from my mom that my dad was being admitted to the hospital for chest/back pain after being checked out by a doctor. He rode in an ambulance from the doctor's office to the hospital because the doctor was worried about the results of the test. So, I'm not really the strongest person when it comes to things dealing with my family, and I tend to be a worrier with health things, so it wasn't really the best afternoon between the crying and throwing up (i know-TMI), ect. After a full day of tests in the hospital and them going from heart attack to brain aneurism, they still don't know exactly what is wrong. They have ruled out anything with the heart, but they kind of found something in his brain that they aren't sure what it is. The first specialist wanted to run an angioplasty to see if it was an aneurism, which is a rupture in the brain, and now apparently the second doctor doesn't think it's that serious. My mom didn't talk to the doctor before they left, and of course my brother's weren't listening as usual, so we won't know until tomorrow what he said exactly. They want to keep him for a few days and watch him to see how he progresses. My dad is that typical never goes to the doctor unless he knows he needs to, is never sick, kind of guy. He has never been in the hospital since I've been alive, that I remember, so it's just hard to be 7 1/2 hours away and know that your dad that is never sick is on a hospital bed. My mom thinks it could be from all the moving and heavy lifting and everything that they have been doing since they flip houses on the side and our trying to get one ready for move in asap, but she doesnt know. All I know and can rest in is that God's got it. All the things that I have ever told students and friends are all flooding my mind, and I find peace and rest in those truths. He is in control and nothing I can do will change that!

These verses are really providing comfort for me: 
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Matthew 6:26-27

Dad, Me and Mom on Christmas last year